What is Spondylolisthesis?
Spondylolisthesis is a condition in which one vertebra slips forwards relative to the vertebra below. There are 5 different recognized types: Displastic (Abnormal development), Ithmic or spondylolytic (Defective area at the back portion of a spinal vertebra (bone)), Degenerative, Traumatic and Pathological (Weakness due to disease).
The most common symptoms are back pain and back stiffening, which increase with activity. It is also common to develop neurological (nerve related) symptoms such as sciatic pain, muscle weakness and in some cases gluteal (Buttock) muscle wastage. The patient develops an increased lower back arch posture (Lordosis) and a waddle gait, mainly due to tight hamstrings.
• Lumbar Sacral Orthosis (LSO) used to stabilize and support the spine in order to reduce pain by providing circumferential support and offloading of the vertebral bodies.
• Rigid Spinal Brace where increased structural control and immobilisation is required.